post tension systems expert

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D20mm 500MPA All threaded rebar for construction

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D20mm 500MPA All threaded rebar for construction

Impact of environmental stress on seagrass: For example, pharmaceuticals such as ibuprofen entering the marine environment may have an impact on seagrass. Studies have shown that high concentrations of ibuprofen can cause increased oxidative stress in seagrass, affecting its photosynthesis and metabolite production, thereby affecting its ability to adapt to other environmental stressors.

screw bar21


Through these environmental considerations, stress rod and post-tensioning techniques not only increase the strength and durability of building structures but also contribute to more sustainable and environmentally friendly building practices.

Bearing Plate


Effects of environmental stress on microbial networks: Environmental stresses, such as temperature changes and water availability, can significantly affect the assembly and stability of microbial communities. Study shows stochastic assembly processes are crucial in shaping community structure, but their relative importance decreases with increasing stress.

Prestressed Steel Bar



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  • continuous threaded bar

    Nominal Diameter Diameter H B L Nominal Section Nominal Weight
    Dv Dh
    mm mm mm mm mm mm mm2 kg/m
    15 15 15 1.0 4.5 10 176 1.47
    18 18 18 1.0 4.0 10 254.5 2.11
    20 20 20 1.3 4.8 10 314 2.47
    25 25 25 1.6 6.0 12 490.9 4.10
    32 32 32 2.0 7.0 16 804.2 6.65
    36 36 36 2.5 8.0 18 1018 8.41
    40 40 40 3.0 8.0 20 1256.6 10.34
    50 50 50 3.0 9.0 24 1963.5 16.28
    60 60 60 3.0 10.0 22 2827 23.26
    63.5 63 63.5 3.0 12.0 22 3167 26.20
    65 65 65 3.0 12.0 22 3318 27.470
    70 70 70 3.0 12.0 22 3848 31.8
    75 75 75 3.0 12.0 22 4418 36.9
    Grade500/630 NominalDia. CrossSection YieldStrength TensileStrength YieldLoad UltimateLoad Elongation NominalWeight
    mm mm2 >=Mpa >=Mpa KN KN A/% KG/m
    20 314 500 630 157 198 10 2.47
    25 491 500 630 246 309 10 4.1
    28 615 500 630 308 387 10 4.83