post tension systems expert

17 Years Manufacturing Experience
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  • 0086-18522529216/ 0086-17612275091

Anchor System Post Tension Bars for heavy duty drywall anchor

Short Description:

  • Type: Steel Bar
  • Length: 12m or customized
  • Diameter: 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 36mm, 40mm,42mm,50mm, 57mm, 63.5mm,65mm, 75mm
  • Grade: ASTM A722
  • Yield Strength: 950Mpa
  • Tensile Strength: 1050Mpa
  • Product Detail


    Mechanical Properties

    Product Tags

    Anchor System Post Tension Bars for Heavy Duty Drywall Anchor

    System Description:

    High-performance solution for improving the structural integrity and load-carrying capacity of concrete structures, and is specifically designed for straight tendons without any profile. There are two types of Thread bars- Hot rolled and Cold Rolled. All bars are with continuous thread end to end of bar and can be cut in any location and coupled. The low-slip anchorage with nuts allows for low losses of prestressing force, even with short bars.


    Fully Threaded Bar - can be cut and coupled at any point.

    Low Relaxation Steel - minimum relaxation during service life.

    Prestressing Grade Steel - high strength offers weight savings and reduced working diameters.

    Grade PSB500,PSB830,PSB930,PSB1080
    Diameter 15mm,0mm,25mm,32mm,36mm,40mm,50mm


    Our thread bar systems are used for connections, formwork and anchorages and have been installed in large-scale construction projects worldwide. Whether for building, underground, bridge or road construction, tunnelling or mining.

    1. Strengthening of Structures

    2. Longitudinal Resistance

    3. Prefabricated Tendon Systems

    4. Shear Resistance

    5.  Bonded Post-Tensioning Systems

    6. Stress Bar Post- Tensioning

    7. Anchorages for Post-Tensioning

    Anchorages are crucial for fixing the ends of the tendons in post-tensioning systems. They are cast into the concrete and transfer the entire load from the strands into the concrete, preventing the concrete from splitting due to high local bursting forces

    Threaded Bar


    rebar prices steel rebar PS500 screw-thread steel Hot rolled ribbed steel bar G500 standard

    1. Different grade:  500/630, 830/1030, 930/1080, 1080/1230

    2. Diameter range: 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 36mm, 40mm, 50mm, 63.5mm, 75mm

    3. Usage: rock bolt, soil nailing, tunneling, mining, bridge construction


    Stock with fastest dlievery

    39 12

    38 37

    1742 44


    Pt Bar

    Contact Information

    Wendy Lee

    Tianjin Cathy Pacific Steel Co.,Ltd


    WhatsApp: +86-176 1227 5091

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  • continuous threaded bar

    Nominal Diameter Diameter H B L Nominal Section Nominal Weight
    Dv Dh
    mm mm mm mm mm mm mm2 kg/m
    15 15 15 1.0 4.5 10 176 1.47
    18 18 18 1.0 4.0 10 254.5 2.11
    20 20 20 1.3 4.8 10 314 2.47
    25 25 25 1.6 6.0 12 490.9 4.10
    32 32 32 2.0 7.0 16 804.2 6.65
    36 36 36 2.5 8.0 18 1018 8.41
    40 40 40 3.0 8.0 20 1256.6 10.34
    50 50 50 3.0 9.0 24 1963.5 16.28
    60 60 60 3.0 10.0 22 2827 23.26
    63.5 63 63.5 3.0 12.0 22 3167 26.20
    65 65 65 3.0 12.0 22 3318 27.470
    70 70 70 3.0 12.0 22 3848 31.8
    75 75 75 3.0 12.0 22 4418 36.9
    Grade500/630 NominalDia. CrossSection YieldStrength TensileStrength YieldLoad UltimateLoad Elongation NominalWeight
    mm mm2 >=Mpa >=Mpa KN KN A/% KG/m
    20 314 500 630 157 198 10 2.47
    25 491 500 630 246 309 10 4.1
    28 615 500 630 308 387 10 4.83